CIBL-US              Conference of International black lutherans - us


   CIBL Voices   

The Newsletter of the Conference of International Black Lutherans - US

Beginning with in the Summer of 2009, the Conference of Interantional Black Lutherans offers a quarterly newsletter.  With interviews, book reviews and highlights and introducations of online courses, we hope to share the work of scholars of African Descent in the Lutheran Tribe with the supportive community and other communitis throughout the world.    --CIBL NEWS


Conference Papers   and Pictures

Conference Papers from the 1st CIBL Conference in Harare, Zimbabwe can be found in the book Theology and the Black Experience, which is still available from Fortress Press.  The keeper of the web site has not been able to find any pictures from that event.  If you have pictures that can be scanned and put into electronic form, please contact the web scribe.

Papers from the 2nd CIBL conference in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe,  the 3rd conference at Wittenberg, Germany, and the 4th conference in São Leopoldo, Brazil are being collected to add to this collection.  Some pictures are available for these past events.


Special Project

In recent years a number of the elders who were formative in the development of African Descent congregations in the churches that make up the ELCA have departed this life.  Richard Stewart is looking for volunteers to assist min with a continuing project of capturing video taped interviews of those who remain with us.  If you have any interest in assisting in this capturing of our history please contact Prof. Stewart at the AALA Assembly or at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia


 Welcome to the inaugural issue of CIBL Voices, the e-journal and newsletter of the Conference of International Black Lutherans. Targeted toward  rostered leaders and interested laity of color in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), it intends to be a place for theological reflection in which scholars address ideas, issues, and concerns of persons of color in the church catholic.



links of note

                      CIBL-US  © 2009, July                                                            Contact WebScribe
News Releases
CIBL Documents
Wittenberg, Germany
São Leopoldo, Brazil